
How much does an accountant cost in Québec?

Financial management: a key to business success

Financial management is an essential component of any successful business. Whether you're an entrepreneur or an individual, working with a qualified accountant can make all the difference.

However, it's important to understand the fees charged in the Quebec market so you can choose the professional who best suits your specific needs. In this article, we'll present you with a comprehensive guide to accountant rates in Quebec, focusing on services such as bookkeeping, taxation, corporate and personal tax reporting. In addition, we'll guide you to Bankeo, a platform for finding your ideal accountant.


Bookkeeping is a crucial task in maintaining a company's financial health. Accountants' fees vary according to the complexity and scope of the services they provide. Here are some estimates of bookkeeping fees in Quebec:

  • Small business (micro-business or self-employed): Rates can vary from $200 to $500 per month, depending on transaction volume and frequency of bookkeeping.
  • Small to medium-sized businesses (up to 20 employees): Rates can range from $500 to $1,500 per month, depending on the company's specific needs and the complexity of its financial operations.


Tax management is a complex field that requires in-depth expertise. Here is an estimate of the fees charged by accountants in Quebec for tax services:

  • Personal income tax returns: Rates can vary from $100 to $500, depending on the complexity of the tax situation and the number of deductions and tax credits applicable.
  • Corporate Tax Return (T2): Rates range from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on company size, number of employees and complexity of financial operations.

Personal tax returns

As an individual, you may need the help of an accountant to file your personal tax return. Here are some estimated rates for this service:

  • Basic income without complex deductions: Rates vary from $50 to $200.
  • Income with complex deductions (investments, property, etc.) : Rates range from $200 to $500.

Financial management is a crucial aspect of successful business and personal finance management. Working with a qualified accountant can help you optimize your finances and meet tax obligations. In this article, we've reviewed the fees charged by accountants in Quebec for services such as bookkeeping, taxation, corporate and personal tax returns. To find the ideal accountant for your specific needs, we recommend Bankeo, a platform that will help you find qualified accounting professionals tailored to your industry.

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